JEDI HoloNet

439.30 // Senator Dje Zait’ou Launches Into Angry Tirade During Late-Night Show

Diplomat Senator Dje Zait’ou, representing the Bryx sector, has today come under scrutiny for an outburst during the HoloNet News’ Late-Night Show segment. Interviewed last evening on the subject of the upcoming summit on Rannon, Senator Zait’ou was prompted on the subject of today’s youth and their future in today’s Republic. This caused Zait’ou to become visibly agitated, and he began describing his discovery of a, and I quote, “Dangerous new gang, ‘The Wraiths’”, and the “Vile grating noises they call music.”

This is what he had to say.

Senator Dje Zait’ou: And the worst part of it all is some of our young ones out there actually listen to them! And they agree and start trying to dress up like them, then it’ll be acting like them! I’ve done the research, the things they tell our kids in their so-called music, it’s sickening. Those “Ghosts” people slander our good senators, those working hard to make the lives they live possible, and they glorify laziness and apathy. If you ask me what the best thing we can do for the youth, it’s to keep them from influences like those… Those “Phantoms” people! We just can’t let that happen!

Talk Show Hostess: I understand your concerns… But the Republic protects their right to write the lyrics they want to, and after all, aren’t art and political commentary the first to go when democracy is threatened? Shouldn’t we cherish the space we have for this music and let people decide for themselves?

Zait’ou: Of course, I agree. Our Galactic Republic, an exemplar of democracy, welcomes art and freedom to each individual. What I am saying is their ideologies are directly opposed to that of the Republic, and if they manage to spread any of it to our youth, it’ll be like corroding the foundations of the future we’re building. And if it all comes crumbling down, don’t come asking me how it could’ve happened. It’s all right there, with those–

::He performs very visible and exaggerated air quotes::

– “Artists”, like those “The Specters” and all others like them.

Lacking an adequate opposing party to his arguments, I have sought and found “The Wraiths” myself and have earned an interview with them on the subject of the Senator. They have asked for their homeworld and real names to be kept private for the time being. We were sitting in old but comfortable chairs in Nova’s, the lead female human singer, family home’s basement that had been rearranged as a makeshift recording studio.

Truthseeker: Can you tell me about yourselves?

Nova: We’re “The Wraiths,” Or at least that’s the band name we picked out. At the time we figured it made sense because we felt we were invisible and ignored. Now not so much, I suppose. We make the music we want to listen to, and write stuff that speaks to us, and hopefully those who listen to us. Sure, it gets dark sometimes, but it’s just for style, we don’t mean harm.

Truthseeker: What is your opinion concerning Senator Dje Zait’ou’s poor review of your work?

Clone, Ommni Box Player: [A series of expletives is uttered in the Roonan language, the translation of which I cannot place here.]

Talisman, Hallikset Player: Nevermind him, he’s still angry the Senator got our name wrong, like… A dozen times.

Nova: The senator is set in his ways. At his age he probably remembers the mess with Hela Amarggill and thinks we’re all out to cause trouble and hate the Republic, but it’s not true. We’re just honest with what we think and what we feel, and that just happens to not fit with the ideal of the happy little citizens he wishes we were.

Truthseeker: What would that be?

Nova: It’s a complex subject, but the gist of it we think a lot of those our age agree with. These past few years the Republic’s leadership has been incompetent at best, willfully ignorant at worst. You’ve heard it all already, the gross mishandling of the Trade Embargo recently, for example. Or the mess in the Gordian Reach, the homelessness rate… But the most frustrating part is the senate, they’re blind to it all, they just focus on keeping themselves to meaningless factions, scheming and fighting like the senator off in the apartment next door is the enemy because he’s a “war hawk” or a “diplomat”. But nothing you and I can do about it, that’s why we’re all “The Wraiths”, we’re invisible to them.

Talisman: Don’t end on like, a depressing note again.

Nova: Thank you, I’ve almost forgotten, the new chancellor, Naka Rei, he doesn’t seem so bad for a grandpa, if you ask me it looks like his whole thing is playing all the sides, and ending up the reasonable one. Maybe that summit’ll go well, I hope it does.

Following the viral publicity of the outburst, there was a surge of interest in their older debut work. Fans describe the music as at times high-energy and fast paced with intricate Hallikset playing, and other times as slower, more ethereal, and with deeper, stronger bass frequencies from the Ommni Box. All followed with an enchanting and relatively matured voice of the Lead.

In reaction to the spike in popularity, the Wraiths have announced their first self-published album, “Hyper-Rapture”, set to release on the Fete of Lost Ones at the end of the year, as well as a planned tour in key Republic worlds of the Core and Mid Rims in the following cycles.

This was Truthseeker Mikhceikh Clan Bakh’tor, published independently from Coruscant’s orbit, by the HoloNet Relay.

439.24 // International Summit Scheduled on Rannon

It is confirmed that a Jedi Praxium on Rannon is going to host an international meeting between two allied factions, the League of Sovereign Systems and the Galactic Republic. The heads of each government’s executive branches, Chancellor Naka Rei and President Zebulon Pyke, will meet to discuss a number of pressing issues including the ongoing political changes in the Gordian Reach as well as increased criminal activity along the southern border of Hutt Space.

Already we’re seeing shrewd and highly impactful leadership on the part of Chancellor Rei. Only months ago, one would have been hard-pressed to find any common ground between the many political parties in the Senate Dome. Now, however, regardless of party, most every senator holds a cheery and optimistic disposition towards the upcoming summit, solidifying many leaders around the new Chancellor.

Centrist Senator from Arrgaw, and representing the Kira Sector, Tulle Mivvar,

It benefits the Republic and her industries to have a reliable and self-sustaining southern neighbor to engage in long-term trade with. Not only does it help with the security and sovereignty of our own space, it makes sure that our proverbial ‘backyard’ becomes a place that is safe for free-flowing trade and development. Before this League, these sectors of space were not so. We believe they’ve done an excellent job and deserve our support and continued economic relationships.

Diplomat Senator representing the Noonian Sector Yalook P’oolel,

We are looking forward to how the talks between our new Chancellor and the League go. While not a member of our party, Chancellor Rei has always been a long-time proponent of bipartisanship. We’re confident that whatever deals he brings back to the Senate to review for approval will be in the mutual interest of ourselves and our growing ally. Any democratic government that supports universal rights, liberties, and a free press is a government we want to associate with.

Preservation Society Spokesperson Neh’ka, Advisor to Senator Khorta, had this to say,

We, the Preservation Society respect the decision of systems to remain independent whether as a standalone system or as part of a collective. With our firm belief that in unity there is strength, we offer the Chancellor our best wishes in finding a common ground once more between the systems that make up the League and the Republic so that we may strengthen the bonds of our Galaxy once more.

War Hawk Senator representing the Ojoster Sector Manne Steel,

The relationship we forged with these fearsome fighters in the flames of war would be all too easy to lose and fade away in peace. The War Hawks commend the Chancellor of our party for taking strides forward in international relations to ensure that our new stalwart allies continue to grow and prosper under the guidance and protection of their older sibling.

While it is still very early in the Rei administration, public opinion for this summit has followed the direction of these Senators and the people of the Republic wait eagerly to hear the outcome.

Reporting from Coruscant, this is Andee Nevaro

439.22 // Trade Embargo Reaching Flashpoint

Kuat Drive Yards, currently in protest of the embargo

Recent legislation imposing trade restrictions on biological materials has caused a ripple effect throughout Republic Systems. With representatives of both mining and manufacturing organizations alike making their way to Coruscant to protest the bill.

Our correspondent on the ground was given the opportunity to speak with Dev’ara Ch’chuk, representative of Kuat Drive Yards and he had this to say.

It’s a disgrace! A crucial part of our development and manufacturing process relies on fuels and precious metals being transported to our factories. With these laws being put into effect without any continuity plan is gross negligence of the highest order by the Republic Senate. Senator Prudah and the others who voted this into power should be ashamed of themselves! All in the name of greed and increased taxes.

One way or another, we will be heard!

Dev’ara Ch’chuk is only one of the many we spoke to who expressed their malcontent. It causes some to wonder how such a decision can be made within the Senate without considering how it will negatively impact Republic denizens.

There are also rumors of how the embargo has severely affected the home worlds of certain Senators. With one of the longest trade deals in history being halted for the first time, between Glee Anselm and Ithor.

Both Senator Khorta of the Ithorian delegation and Senator Kalla of the delegation for Glee Anselm have refused to comment.

439.06 // Election of Chancellor Naka Rei

The Galactic Senate has been struggling for cycles now to settle on a new Chancellor. Many have been elected only to serve for a few months or more before stepping down, citing that the new coalition-style party system that has evolved in the recent cycles is too much for them and their cabinets to manage. But, in the midst of public grumbling about a dysfunctional and lost government, new hope has found its way into the executive branch in the form of Naka Rei. He is an Ishi Tib representing the Hadar Sector that includes his home world. A member of the War Hawks, he is a true moderate which is his wide appeal between the many varied parties.

Chancellor Naka Rei

Chancellor Naka Rei

A war hero from the Battle of Lorrd during the Imperium War, he took command of his ship as a Junior Grade Lieutenant after his Captain had been incapacitated by a power surge when his corvette was flanked by two enemy cruisers. Rei understands the value of a strong and well-supported military while also knowing the negative impacts war has on an economy and society.

Vowing to defend Republic space while not seeking out fights, he’s also pledged to financially support a retrofit and upgrade of the whole Republic navy. This allowed him to cater to not only the staple parties of the War Hawks and Diplomats, but also that of the powerful Centrist party who have many constituents from the massive shipyards and industrial sectors of Kuat and Corellia.

The body politic of the Galactic Republic hold their breath but, polls suggest, feel hopeful of this military commander and his ability to wrangle the disparate political parties in the Senate into a single direction of common interest.

This is Quan Regal of the Associated Presses.

437.18 // Roilers Wrestle with Inability to Consolidate in the Gordian Reach

It has been two years since the ultranationalist party “The Roilers” forced their way to power in the Gordian Reach. While they have a very technical legislative majority, never have The Roilers held a real majority over any of the planets in the Back Reach. Even on Feena, the de-facto capital planet of the sector, the Roilers only hold 40% of the local legislative body. Nonetheless, The Roilers have taken their thin legislative majority as a mandate to consolidate more power for themselves and their allies across the region.

Governor Vahn Goreing of Feena has been spearheading attempts to join the over one dozen star systems in the Back Reach into a single intersystem state he has dubbed “The Third Estate.” This comes as, on many systems in this area, Roiler associated politicians are at a midpoint in their terms. Public sentiment is hard to gauge given the increasing lockdown that the Roilers are taking on Civil Liberties in areas where they can pass the legislation. If the Roilers are unable to get their ambitious agenda of consolidation done before their terms are up, there is a very good chance they will not be able to retain their seats, in their respective legislatures, and their vision for an authoritarian regime on the border of Republic space will be dashed.

The Roilers, though, have been waging more than just a political campaign for consolidation. Across every Roiler-controlled world there have been new ministries, departments, and divisions formed by executive and legislative branches to maintain “public order” and “true unity” amongst said worlds. Thinly veiled secret police brutalize and intimidate political opposition to their policies. These departments are truly nothing more than formalizations of Roiler shock troops that had previously been doing these same activities extrajudicially. Now these activities have the full support of the legal systems of certain planetary governments. In nearly every system, within the Ardan Cross, the only media that is permitted to be broadcast or distributed is state-sponsored media under the “Ministry of Truth,” led by Jaltyr Gavels.

I have spent the last two years gathering evidence and interviewing in the Gordian Reach in order to deliver this report. The number of planets where I am legally allowed to continue my work has dwindled. In all likelihood, this may be the last objective, non-state reporting that people will hear out of the Reach for the foreseeable future. While I have not been arrested yet, government authorities have made their presence known while I have been pursuing the duties of my job.

Reporting from Little Capella in the Gordian Reach, I’m Quan Regal of the Associated Presses.