JEDI HoloNet

450.04 // Celestial phenomenon comes to an end

The Circle of First Knowledge, releases the following statement.

As the final remnants of a rare celestial event faded from view, researchers were left pondering how much more they could have learned if only they had more time. Despite this, the scientific community has begun analyzing the newly gathered data, hoping to unravel the mysteries of this ancient phenomenon. Early studies suggest that hydrogen played a significant role in the occurrence, though much remains to be discovered. In related news, celebrations across the Core have drawn to a close, with the grand Bazaar of Coruscant emerging as the festival’s highlight. The event saw over a thousand stalls registered, attracting visitors from the Core and Inner Rim who came to explore the diverse goods on offer. Interestingly, the most popular purchase during the solstice period was the holographic Quasar ceiling light.

Meanwhile, the Jedi Order is gradually returning to its normality. Many Jedi Masters and students have returned from their individual pilgrimages, where they sought to connect with and understand the unknown event. The festivities on Duneeden and Dantooine were particularly noteworthy, while Ossus opted to forgo celebrations in favor of research. Traces of energy from the Quasar Flash Point are reportedly still lingering in the Galaxy, though they are faint and difficult to perceive.

This phenomenon raises intriguing questions: What other mysteries were witnessed two and a half centuries ago that we have yet to observe or comprehend? It serves as a reminder that each of us is merely a grain of sand in the vast Galaxy, each with a purpose—whether realized or yet to be revealed.

449.11 // The Quasar Solstice

With the festivities about to begin, people throughout the Core and Inner Rim are preparing to celebrate this rare galactic event. Meanwhile, the scientific community, along with the scholars of the Jedi Order, are getting ready to study the phenomenon in hopes of further understanding its occurrence.

Commonly known as the “Quasar Solstice,” the official name given by astronomers is “Quasar Combustion” or “Quasar Flash Point.” This rare phenomenon is known to occur at an unstable frequency, with the time lapse between each active period ranging from around a decade to several centuries. The last known Quasar Combustion occurred more than four centuries ago, though there are ancient records of the same event occurring within a few years.

Although full comprehension of the phenomenon remains a mystery, both the scientific community and the Jedi Order have their respective opinions on its meaning. Jedi Knight Da’luk Qinari of the Circle of First Knowledge has been working closely with the scientists of the Coruscanti and Corellian universities. Regarding their research, Master Qinari quoted the following:

“After years of studying this phenomenon and performing countless calculations, scientists have agreed that the Quasar Flash Point is actually a sequence of gas ignitions. The Astronomy team explains that the dense gases gathered around the Galactic core reach a point where the pressure becomes so high that the gases ignite in a series of combustions. These combustions release waves of light, continuing until all the gas is used up. This process creates the steady light that we see spreading across the Core and the inner Rim of the Galaxy.”

Meanwhile, from the perspective of the Order, Jedi Knight Rozea Lhot of the Circle of First Knowledge stated the following:

“I have spoken with Master Qinari and fully understand the reasoning of the scientists. While I do not oppose their views, Master Mal and I firmly believe there is more to this phenomenon than any method or technology of modern civilization can reveal. In fact, I encourage everyone to focus during this event, and I am certain they will feel a wave of peace and warmth embracing them. With the never-ending cycle between the Living Force and the Cosmic Force, we can only assume that this occurrence is a burst of living energy released into the Galaxy to maintain the Balance. The reasons behind this instance are still unknown to us, as are many aspects of the Force.”

No matter the reasons behind it, it is an event worth honoring. On the afternoon of 449.12 ABY, let everyone take a glimpse at the sky and celebrate, each in their own way.

441.07 // The Empire Speaks to Growing Tensions on the Rim

A Joint Denouncement today, led by Emperor Jarek Fel himself, identifies the nascent Third Estate as a source of tension, division, and unrest along the rim of the galactic northeast. The Emperor had this to say about the developing situation on the borders of his Empire,

Citizens of the Galactic Empire, loyal friends, and denizens of the Galaxy.

I, Emperor Jarek Fel, the Second, come before you today to address a call to action that cannot be ignored. This infantile sovereignty, The Third Estate, looms at the edge of the Galaxy as a potential threat to the security of all peoples, in all nations.

I stand before you and state that the united Citizens of our Empire deny The Third Estate’s legitimacy and decry the methods in which they attempt to spread it. A nation should offer order, peace, and prosperity to those that reside with its borders. The Third Estate offers nothing but dread and lackluster promises to those that submit to it.

There is no greater honor I can give my Grandmother, Empress Bellitria Fel, than to stand in solidarity with our allies of old. But our silence, of late, in their admirable symphony of peace has not had its ill effects. I have directed my closest advisors and confidants to pledge our support to our allies’ cause, only to be met with understandable skepticism. As I am sure many of our Citizens are aware, it takes time and effort to rekindle friendships, and wisdom to avoid missteps.

While the Empire feels it is our duty to support our allies against the growing threats in the Outer Rim, we also do not wish to fan the embers of their skepticism and shall refrain from sending fleets into any fray. Skepticism leads to lack of coordination on the battlefield, and lack of coordination can lead to unnecessary loss of life. This is something I cannot willfully ask any of our dedicated service personnel to engage in.

The protection of my Citizens is my duty. To that end, I have ordered my advisors to place great priority on the training of our forces; be they soldiers, spacers, or officers. This is to ensure that, in the event we are called to defend ourselves or our allies, they will be able to operate safely, efficiently, and with confident leadership that they may return to their families victorious and unharmed. This is the reason for the routine drills that our allies have expressed misgivings about.

However, the Citizens of our Empire are united, and there will be no reluctance to commit fleets to defend against any action this growing threat may pose to any Imperial World.

Any such action will be met with total and utter obliteration.

Followed shortly after from Mothma Plaza outside the Senate building Chancellor Naka Rei seconded the Empire’s denouncement with one of his own as well as supporting his verbal denouncement with a call to the Senate to enact economic sanctions on the small government:

The Galactic Republic joins the Fel Empire in its condemnation of the practices being exercised by the Third Estate inside its borders. Years ago I served alongside fine Imperial naval officers in the struggle to maintain Empress Bellitria’s right to her throne. I know that she would be proud of the declaration today made by her grandson condemning the errant behaviors of the Third Estate.

It is true that since Emperor Jarek has ascended to the throne there has been uneasy disquiet from the Empire. However, this reaffirmation that the Fel Dynasty continues to be an ally in the fight versus civil injustice puts the minds of all freedom-loving governments across the galaxy at ease.

The Galactic Republic has recently passed legislation to reorganize, update, and bolster our own armed forces while phasing out older, but still combat effective, equipment to our southern ally in the League of Sovereign Systems. While we understand the timing of these decisions, I personally want to urge caution to my fellow heads of state:

Mobilization is an act that makes everyone in the galaxy uneasy. As political tensions rise, none should implement violence as a form of foreign policy. The Triple Entente that has been formed between the League, Jedi, and Republic is one of mutual defense for a reason.

The Galactic Republic has no interest in military conflict. No other state in the galaxy can have war with us without themselves being first the aggressor. We wish to reaffirm bonds of fellowship, camaraderie, and peace between the major powers in the galaxy; bonds that the Third Estate is seeking to strain with their oppressive behaviors antithetical to ours and of our allies.

I have brought legislation forward for our Senate to consider that would enforce strict embargoes upon the Third Estate. In addition, my legislation will increase the internal security of hyperspace lanes between Hutt Space and the Third Estate, ensuring that no organized smuggling attempts will be effective in undermining our territorial sovereignty, nor our ability to enforce our embargoes upon the Third Estate’s economy.

We hope that the Third Estate comes to realize that creating ties with the Empire and Republic while also dropping their oppressive legislation that suppresses the rights and liberties of their citizens will bring a new era of prosperity for their young nation, rather than dire economic situations that will stymie their goals of expansion and subjugation.

This joint denunciation comes as the Third Estate signs a multinational annexation treaty with nearly a dozen worlds in the Esstran Sector, bringing all of the sector save a few systems directly into the fold of the Third Estate. The treaty, called the Stygian Pact, doubled the size of their borders in the galactic northeast, bringing their border to meet the Fel Empire’s along the southern side of Thalassia. While the propaganda arm of the Third Estate claims that this has been met with jubilation, festivals, and parades of the worlds that are joining the move has also abruptly stopped all other free press from reporting on the fallout of this move as the oppressive laws of the Third Estate blanket the ability for independent journalism to operate within their borders.

Reporting from Jaemus, I’m Ayahes Cesaro of the Associated Presses with contributions from Quan Regal on Coruscant.

440.11 // Joint Statement

With an announcement by the Jedi Order of their intention to realign with the Republic came a landmark treaty between the Jedi and two of the largest democracies in the Galaxy: The Republic and League of Sovereign Systems. This ‘Triple Entente’ between the three factions binds together these two representative democracies to the ancient order dedicated to upholding political and civil freedoms across the Galaxy. The alliance was a clear call to return to mythic times of the ancient High Republic, but to make the implication more explicit Chancellor Naka Rei, flanked on one side by President Pyke and the other by Grandmaster Coron Audax, said these words on Mothma Plaza in front of the Senate Dome,

Since the Imperium War the Galaxy has not seen a galactic conflict to match its scale in destruction and loss of life. While we’ve seen a number of tragic and destructive events such as on Vohai or with the ascent of the Wyld Empire on the rim, we’ve lived in a Galaxy wherein the vast majority of which has been spared the horrors and ravages of war. Through this time of relative fortune, we’ve grown complacent. We’ve assumed that our values have remained explicit, have remained in the minds of our people, and that our values are shared by all those rational sentients in the Galaxy.

But, the health of democracy is informed by our ability to look back at the mistakes of the past, learn from them, and apply those lessons to make different changes in the future. We’ve seen that when republics rest on their laurels, when democracies fail to explicitly, firmly, and loudly reaffirm their values and beliefs in fair play, free expression, and open markets they slide and decline and open the door for the destructive forces of populist and authoritarian ideas.

We as allies of civil rights and liberties stand here now, together, in solidarity to declare to the Galaxy that we are recommitting to these ideals: We pledge to reinforce the rule of law, not the rule of a person or select group. We pledge to protect the rights of all sentients to political expression, to the right to critique government and protest against laws they deem unjust. We pledge to maintain an economic, social, and political framework to protect and preserve fair play for all people in the Galaxy. Finally, we also pledge to continue to advocate and provide the opportunity for all beings to freely and easily participate in the systems of government so that they may make the changes they demand to see from their elected officials.

Democracy is hard. It’s messy. It’s often inefficient. But, democracy functions because it allows all people to express their beliefs, have an open and honest conversation about the best path forward, and then to allow a government made up by the people to make an informed decision moving forward with any given crisis or situation it faces. We look forward to a future where we continue to build towards an ever healthier and stronger free society, thank you.

Mechanically, this Triple Entente is a relatively simple document. It primarily establishes a clear mutual defense partnership between the three parties wherein it identifies that any attack on one of these organizations is considered an attack on all three.

Separately and independently of the Jedi Order, the Republic Senate and League Congress have both approved a lend-lease and rearmament treaty where the Republic will invest nearly a trillion credits into a new generation of defense force vessels, mechs, and infantry materiel. As this new generation of equipment comes online and enters the field, the older generation of defense force vessels and materiel will be leased to the League of Sovereign Systems to help facilitate the further protection of hyperspace lanes along their borders from a rising tide of organized criminal violence and piracy originating from the southern Cartels in Hutt Space. After a number of payments that equal the cost of any given vessel plus a three percent interest rate the League will permanently own these vessels and other materiel. In this way, the Republic is able to subsidize funding to replace aging ships while also providing a force-multiplier to their democratic ally to their galactic south.

Finally, it’s expected that in the coming weeks that a joint declaration of denouncement will be made with the members of this Triple Entente along with Emperor Jarek Fel, or a senior member of the Council of Moffs, in regards to the recent actions of the Third Estate that completely restrict many civil rights and liberties of their citizens while establishing a dictatorship over half of the systems in the Gordian Reach.

Reporting from the Senate Dome on Coruscant, this is Quan Regal from the Associated Presses.

440.08 // The Jedi and The Republic

Jedi of the Order,

As far as our archives look back, Jedi have acted in their capacity as mediators, diplomats, peacekeepers, and even so simply as a voice offering wisdom. Helping governments and entities across the galaxy to strive for the same mutual goal of peace.

After many cycles of deliberation by both the High Council and esteemed Ambassadors of our Council of Reconciliation, the Order has made the landmark decision to formally realign itself with the Galactic Republic.

It is in times of relative peace that the Jedi look to strengthen the bonds of unity and cooperation after extended periods of division. Working to build a closer relationship with Republic diplomats and politicians throughout our galaxy. With that, we publicly declare our support for Chancellor Naka Rei as he heralds a new era of democracy, peace, and prosperity for the Republic. Once more formally accepting our traditional and historic role as Peacekeepers of the Republic

As we shine a light on a renewed era of partnership with the Republic, the Order will strive to continue being a guiding hand or voice of reason in times of turmoil, no matter the current political landscape.

We urge all members of the Order to aid the efforts of their respective branch ambassadors in forming a stronger relationship with Republic diplomats in the coming cycle as we begin to rebuild bonds shattered by the past.

May the Force be with you all,
-Grandmaster Coron Audax