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411.01 // Facility Assessments

Members of the Order,

As part of the expansion and improvement plans of the Order and its Service Corps. An independent assessment is being undertaken of all our core and primary supporting facilities.

The assessment will cover a variety of different elements, however, the main focus will be upon the facilities themselves ensuring they fit for purpose and identifying any possible scope for improvement.

The following assessments will take place in due course.

  • Taloraan Edifice will assess Ossus Temple
  • Ossus Temple will assess Dantooine Enclave
  • Dantooine Enclave will assess Ilum Temple
  • Ilum Temple will assess Rannon Praxeum
  • Rannon Praxeum will assess Radra IV Outpost
  • Radra IV Outpost will assess Lyta Outpost
  • Lyta Outpost will assess Cotellier Outpost
  • Coltellier Outpost will assess Barcana Outpost
  • Bacrana Outpost will assess Taloraan Edifice.

Please be welcoming and gracious when those charged with assessing your facility arrive and do everything possible to ensure their assessment runs smoothly.

The High Council