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390.25 // Celebration and Welcome

Greetings Residents,

Our involvement on Vohai and in Operation Lost Stars has left us all busy, yet it is important to celebrate progress and welcome those new to our Praxeum.

The Jedi Council would like to congratulate Jedi Knight Narael Undine on their knighthood. It is a long journey Master Undine, and know that no matter how small, the first steps are often the hardest, so look to your fellow Knights and Masters for guidance and we have every confidence you will thrive.

The Council would also like to extend welcomes to the intake of new faces that have been initiated into the Order in the last few years. Now Padawan Serir Vun, a familiar face to many in the Praxeum. Jedi Initiates Rowan Stryx, Talnath Ileybur, Darylna, have been with us for some time, and the newer faces of Xintr Wolfe and Morgan Voss, only recently initiated. The Council extends warm welcomes and congratulations to you all. Again, look to your peers and we are sure you will do well.

Finally, we have opened our doors to members from other branches. We welcome Jedi Padawan’s Syriss and Alyx, and Jedi Knights Xin Okata, Geminae and Nulla Zil who now all reside on Rannon. We hope you all make yourself at home.

Kind Regards
The Jedi Council