JEDI HoloNet

408.28 // Equilibrium

Please find the full statement of Grandmaster Coron Audax below.

Good day.

I give this statement on behalf of the High Council, which comprises of Jedi from Ossus, Ilum, Rannon, Taloraan and the support facilities of Bacrana, Lyta, Radra IV, Cotellier and The Arcology.

On 408.22, the High Council of the Jedi Order decided to withdraw its intention to formally align the Order with the Republic. This was done after a majority vote of the High Council.

For the benefit of those who may be too young to remember, the Jedi Order began formal talks to align with the Republic in 398ABY.

This was a result of the convening of the high council where it was deemed that the largest and most present threat to the Galaxy was systemic corruption within the Republic.

It was the belief of the Council that this corruption was centred around an individual. Lord Commander Ruun, a former member of the Order who had risen into a senior position within the Republic. After debating how best to proceed, it was decided the Order would be best placed to monitor the situation from within rather than from the outside.

Over the following years, extensive negotiations took place between the Order and the Republic. While negotiations were on-going, we worked closely with the Republic to untangle it from the influence of Lord Ruun.

We made swift progress and shortly afterwards, Lord Ruun was arrested and charged with war crimes for his actions on Vohai.

It was decided privately by the High Council that the trial of Lord Ruun would be the perfect barometer to see much sway Lord Ruun still held over Republic.

As a former member of the Order, Lord Ruun would be handed over to the Order to guard thus ending his influence over the Republic. As such we anticipated eh would try everything in his power to usurp the process.

If he was found innocent despite overwhelming evidence, we would of aligned with the Republic and continued to deal with the on-going threat to the galaxy.

The Order assisted in ensuring as fair a trial as possible. In particular, the hard work of Jedi Basrand, Evera, Javasti, Paloum, Reu, Vaan and Wrafai, in keeping key witnesses protected to give crucial testimony was critical.

The trial of Lord Ruun took longer than everyone anticipated, and even once found guilty, was subject to multiple appeals processes. All of which open to Ruuns influence.

At that time a deal was agreed upon and ready to be formalised. However, The Order stalled the ratification of the treaty. This caused tension at the highest levels, particularly between the Chief of State Lamee Ranack and The High Council.

Thankfully, there are very few instances where this affected the day to day workings of both the Order and the Republic.

On 408.20ABY, Lord Ruun appeals process was officially exhausted and the guilty verdict upheld. On 408.21ABY he was turned over to the Order for guarding. On 408.22ABY, we gave formal notice to the Republic that we will not be proceeding with the alliance.

We no longer believe the Republic to be a large or present threat to the Galaxy, to warrant a formal alliance.

We appreciate that this might be a bit of a surprise to some, for many different reasons.

We do not anticipate any change in the relationship between the Republic and the Order and we ask that you continue to work alongside the Republic as you have been doing as and when it is required.

The High Council would like to take this moment to look back at where we were at the beginning of this period.

We started this era of the Order, with one of our branches aboard a flotilla of ships, Rannon Praxeum had fallen and the death of Grandmaster Don’roq.

We end it with a Rannon Branch back on Rannon, a new temple on Taloraan and with plans for further expansion, particularly for our support facilities and service corps, to be announced in due course.

Whilst we of course have our own individual assignments and trials, We now believe the following the Imperium War, Spectral Force Crisis and War on Vohai we have reached an equilibrium of sorts, where there is a sense of balance within the Galaxy.

This does not mean we can sit back idly. We must continue to serve the force and lend aid where and when we can. We must always be ready for whatever comes next.

For it will surely come.