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JEDI HoloNet » HoloNews » Sabotage Attempt and Attack on Capital-Ship RSN Firefly, two killed and ship saved by Jedi Heroes

387.26 // Sabotage Attempt and Attack on Capital-Ship RSN Firefly, two killed and ship saved by Jedi Heroes

The RSN Firefly, de-facto Capital and Operations Ship of the peacekeeping mission of the planet of Vohai, home to over ten-thousand soldiers and crew-members, suffered an attrocious and murderous sabotage attempt by Revolutionary loyalists, co-ordinating with Revolutionary ground forces who mounted Starfighters and, in the hundreds, flew into the RSN Firefly, killing their pilots in the process and blowing up the Starfighters, in the hopes of the shields having been disabled by on-board EMP planted by saboteur. Presently, the RSN Firefly is still undergoing electrical repairs but is anticipated to remain very much in working order.

Two Jedi who cannot be named were, in the words of on-board crew members and soldiers at the time of the explosion, “absolutely necessary” for the saving of the entire ship, as the saboteurs intended to plant more bombs after the first attempt failed.

In retaliation, Republic Forces have proceeded with an intense bombing campaign over the unprotected and unshielded industrial areas of the planet to further weaken the Revolutionary war effort, while also disabling transport links on the Vohai Monorail with intense orbital bombardment. Senators have raised serious ethical concerns about the longevity of the war, anticipated actions of Governor-General Ruun and the prospect for civilian casualties nullifying the ‘moral righteousness’ of the Republic. However, the Chief of State has suspended Senate debate on the subject until official statistics from the Office of Strategics and Military Logistics comes forth.