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409.24 // 2 Years on: The Duneeden Project and Empty Supermarket Shelves

Two years ago Duneeden seceeded from the Republic, becoming a purple ink blot of independence within its heart.

So how is the Duneeden project coming along? The Synod of Duneeden, comprised of elective representatives of the wards of Duneeden, would have you believe that the project has been an overwhelming success. Many didn’t believe the planet would survive 6 months without the backing of the Republic, let alone two years.

However, our sources from across the 6 wards of Duneeden inform us that crime is on the rise, alongside unemployment. Meanwhile education and health care services appear to be going in the opposite direction and are in decline. Many in the upper echelons of the Senate believe it is only a matter of time until Duneeden rejoins the Republic.

But could it all still go pear shaped? (Pun very much intended)

The Galactic Holonews can exclusively reveal that there is tension between the Senate and the Coruscanti Government fixated entirely around fresh fruit and vegetables.

Those who reside on Coruscant will know first hand the growing difficulty to attain fresh produce. Owing to the alterations of trade routes due to the independence, the specially designed ships used for transporting the produce which is grown in Agriworlds in the mid and outer rim, are now having to bypass Duneeden preventing them from refueling on coolant. As a result, it is estimated that approximately 31% of produce now arriving on Coruscant is inedible causing wide shortages.

The Coruscanti Government wants to strike a deal with The Synod of Duneeden to reinstate the old trade route. However, such a deal will surely go someway to further weaken the Dunedin’s reliance on the Republic, something the Republic are all to aware of.

Stay tuned for more information.