JEDI HoloNet

JEDI HoloNet » HoloNews » Only skilled pilots need apply!

392.10 // Only skilled pilots need apply!

As the storms on Rannon continue to rage on, the effects of it are still truly to be realised. Satellite scans of Rannon show that currently the the heart of the storm sits squarely over the Kenzie Plains.

Such is the level of disruption caused by the volatile storms that only a small safe corridor exists to allow any air traffic be it local or galactic to exit the area. As a result the RSF are requiring any air or space travel in and out of the Kenzie Plains be co-ordinated by the Space Traffic Control function at the city of Kenzie.

When asked what would happen should two ships meet head on in the corridor the Chief Space Controller, Nacku Yanyo simply stated

“It becomes a game of tip-yip. Who will blink first. You either crash into each other, or one is forced into the storm either side of the corridor. I think I’d rather take the collision.”