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JEDI HoloNet » HoloNews » Attack on Vohai Garrisons, defections and Ruun declares State of Emergency

387.13 // Attack on Vohai Garrisons, defections and Ruun declares State of Emergency

A shocking turn of events has gripped Vohai, as seven major garrisons on the cities of Summerfield, Little Rodia and Gallicia have rebelled against their regional authorities and joined the planet-gripping strikes, with many of them professing loyalty to the ‘People’s Will’ terrorist faction. While the situation is still unclear, it is reported by several sources that Republic officials have been stripped and killed as Government buildings are stormed and set ablaze, most notably in the capital of Vohai City. After almost ten years without need, the State of Emergency has once again been declared on the turmoiltuous planet of Vohai.

Resources are being stripped from nearby systems to aid in the support of the remaining Vohai’s garrisons, but G.R.I.D officials have denoted a lack of ability in their espionage and covert operations to try and defeat the terrorist cell of the People’s Will due to ‘subversion of the population’.

Reportedly, Governor-General Ruun is reaching out to old allies within the Jedi Order – but at this time it is unconfirmed. Whether or not the violence will be contained can only be told through time; the Galaxy holds its breath and watches.