Sa-Fira Zeryyt
Homeworld: Belsavis
Species: Zabrak
Fir was borned to a merchant family traveling in southern Republic region. Usually, family would sell most of what they had and buy new goods, before making trip to another world and continue the cycle. While it was potentialy unstable life, it was always the dream of her parents to live that way and Sa-Fir was too young to understand and care.
While parents were usualy off selling on markets or buying new goods, Sa-Fira was left in charge and care of her older brother. While he did his part to the best of his abilities, he himself was not provided much education, therefore Fir would struggle with math basics, her basic knowledge were limited, and when speaking, she would be speaking with accent and struggle with grammar. When she can not recall a word, she either uses Zabraki equivalent or “Horn” to fill up the blank.
It was while they were traveling into different destinations that the parents were taking care of the children and giving them more attention. While the older brother was trying to assist them as much as he could and learn their marketing skills from them to perhaps one day take over the family business, Sa-Fir would hardly ever keep such long attention span, instead preferring to run around the ship, play with various goods she was told not to play with. You could tell who her „current most favourite person was“ just because she would ran around that one person, sometimes aimlessly in circles just because then they will pay attention to her, other times trying to make them indulge in games with her or trying to help them in her clumsy way.
One day the family’s ship got intercepted by pirate group. Father, the pilot, decided to attempt to use his skills to run away from the situation, instructing everyone to have their seatbelts on – something Sa-Fira hated and disregarded, thinking she was clever by making it look like she was seated. Eventually however, the ship was shot down, making them crashland.
While everyone miraculously survived, Sa-Fira had severe had injury, requiring medical attention. Later on she will strugle with remembering names and faces and reading situations and „mood in room“.
It was at this point in her life that she was suspected to be Force sensitive, given she should not have survived the crash, eventually tested and confirmed.
Since the family just lost the only and primary means of income, they did not hasitated much before agreeing to let Sa-Fir joint he Jedi, believing it would serve more good to both them and her.