291-331 ABY – Post War Reconstruction
291.04 ABY – Rei Xaria is initiated.
291.09 ABY – Ru Seentras is initiated.
291.10 ABY – Erto Ramor is initiated.
291.11 ABY – Sawyer Snow is initiated.
292.03 ABY – Tergos Zemnos is apprenticed to Sasha Raven.
292.05 ABY – Rei Xaria is apprenticed to Coren Ran.
292.07 ABY – Erto Ramor transfers to the Coruscant Temple.
294.12 ABY – Baelin Raddyx is deployed to the AgriCorps.
294.30 ABY – Jenny Wrix returns to the Alzoc III Enclave.
295.09 ABY – Aayla Vigil is granted the rank of Jedi Master; Sai Akiada is granted a seat on the High Council.
295.12 ABY – Sawyer Snow is apprenticed to Nicholae Carnassi.
296.07 ABY – Serris K’Ral resigns from the Jedi Order.
297.18 ABY – Eugen Darkrider is deployed to the AgriCorps.
297.29 ABY – Nastajja Arren is apprenticed to Jared Quell.
297.31 ABY – Sared Kilvan is killed.
298.06 ABY – Aria Sadru is initiated; Rian Vu is initiated; Rui Vuusen is initiated.
298.08 ABY – Jade Deferri is initiated; Wynne Avurys is initiated; Saos Nartu is initiated; Zelai Kol’iva is initiated.
298.25 ABY – Johauna Darkrider is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Illrian Damaris is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Tomoran Serevarno is exiled.
298.26 ABY – Rita Sandria is apprenticed to Sebastin Creed; Imil C. Ucindus resigns from the Jedi Order.
298.30 ABY – Aurien Uriah resigns from the Jedi Order.
299.13 ABY – Amoné Fayden is apprenticed to Delmi N’jork.
299.25 ABY – Sawyer Snow is apprenticed to Illrian Damaris.
301.10 ABY – Voth Ahkrin is initiated.
301.11 ABY – Zuri Lyn is initiated.
301.12 ABY – Rian Vun is promoted to Padawan; Zelai Kol’iva is promoted to Padawan; Kiwron Tirladdik is apprenticed to Azra’elre’nim.
302.13 ABY – Olim Adasca resigns from the Jedi Order.
301.16 ABY – Eugen Darkrider is apprenticed to Aslyn Denethorn.
302.19 ABY – Kantha Maitri is initiated.
302.20 ABY – Kieran Orion is initiated.
304.14 ABY – Motoko Isawa is initiated.
304.15 ABY – Ahkro Cerinla is initiated.
304.29 ABY – Jaxxton Bonham transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
304.30 ABY – Amoné Fayden is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
305.08 ABY – Nastajja Arren is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
305.10 ABY – Rui Vuusen is apprenticed to Illrian Damaris.
305.12 ABY – Kantha Maitri is promoted to Novice Padawan; Saos Nartu is promoted to Novice Padawan; Kieran Orion is promoted to Novice Padawan.
305.19 ABY – Zelai Kol’iva is apprenticed to Roahu.
305.20 ABY – Tergos Zemnos is apprenticed to Delmi N’jork.
305.29 ABY – Kantha Maitri is apprenticed to Nastajja Arren.
306.14 ABY – Cess’Ki Ar’lik transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
306.16 ABY – Kieran Orion is apprenticed to Amoné Fayden.
306.28 ABY – Kih Bu transfers to the Dantooine Enclave.
307.09 ABY – Jaxxton Bonham transfers to the Arkanian Praxeum.
308.27 ABY – Zeak Dystiny resigns from the Jedi Order.
308.28 ABY – Khátla Merie is initiated.
308.29 ABY – Skrassk is initiated; Ashla Vasari is initiated.
309.28 ABY – Ashla Vasari is deployed to the AgriCorps; Munro Olar transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
310.01 ABY – Quor Shey’an transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
310.03 ABY – Ahkro Cerinla is promoted to Novice Padawan; Motoko Isawa is promoted to Novice Padawan; Zuri Lyn is promoted to Novice Padawan.
310.06 ABY – Kiwron Tirladdik is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
310.15 ABY – Arukh Bakh’tor transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
310.22 ABY – Sibi Volunt is initiated; Nastajja Arren retires from the Jedi Order; Syrena Exan returns to the Alzoc III Enclave and is reinstated as a Jedi Knight.
310.23 ABY – Kantha Maitri is apprenticed to Syrena Exan.
310.26 ABY – Alehk Thol transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
310.28 ABY – Des Anaro is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Oberon Pentari is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Tergos Zemnos is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
311.07 ABY – Shakk’aven is initiated.
311.08 ABY – Rita Sandria is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
311.17 ABY – Munro Olar is promoted to Novice Padawan; Khátla Merie is promoted to Novice Padawan; Sebastin Creed is granted a seat on the High Council; Sai Akiada is granted the rank of Jedi Master.
311.20 ABY – Munro Olar is apprenticed to Des Anaro.
311.21 ABY – Khátla Merie is apprenticed to Oberon Pentari.
311.24 ABY – Sirius Varrk is initiated.
311.25 ABY – Esth Me’sku is initiated; Voth Ahkrin is promoted to Novice Padawan.
311.26 ABY – Quor Shey’an resigns from the Jedi Order.
312.13 ABY – Sibi Volunt resigns from the Jedi Order.
312.15 ABY – Shakk’aven is promoted to Novice Padawan.
312.28 ABY – Shakk’aven is apprenticed to Azra’elre’nim.
313.11 ABY – Zuri Lyn is apprenticed to Sai Akiada.
313.13 ABY – Arukh Bakh’tor is apprenticed to Tergos Zemnos.
313.18 ABY – Voth Ahkrin is apprenticed to Ametha Tasia.
314.09 ABY – Virtuo Alegan is initiated.
314.13 ABY – Esth Me’sku is promoted to Novice Padawan.
314.16 ABY – Ahkro Cerinla resigns from the Jedi Order.
316.18 ABY – Jerex Sol is initiated; Syrena Exan is granted a seat on the Alzoc III Council.
316.22 ABY – Rui Vuusen is apprenticed to Rita Sandria.
316.23 ABY – Skrassk is deployed to the Explore Corps.
317.03 ABY – Serra Kolzen is initiated.
317.08 ABY – Shaok Panek is initiated; Virtuo Alegan is promoted to Novice Padawan.
317.09 ABY – Zular Jin is initiated.
317.13 ABY – Virtuo Alegan is apprenticed to Kiwron Tirladdik.
317.14 ABY – John Darkrider transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
320.25 ABY – Jerex Sol is promoted to Novice Padawan.
320.25 ABY – Kieran Orion is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
320.26 ABY – Serra Kolzen is promoted to Novice Padawan.
320.30 ABY – Jerex Sol is apprenticed to Kenta.
321.02 ABY – High Councilors Soh Raun, Aayla Vigil, and Sai Akiada, along with Councilor Syrena Exan, retire from the Jedi Council.
321.05 ABY – Esth Me’sku is apprenticed to Delmi N’jork.
321.07 ABY – Rui Vuusen is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
321.12 ABY – Serra Kolzen is apprenticed to Simus Cnydaria.
321.13 ABY – Amalia Feyn transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
321.15 ABY – Jel’a Vra, Damian Dracovic, and Mirkal are initiated.
321.16 ABY – John Darkrider is promoted to Novice Padawan.
321.20 ABY – Azra’elre’nim and Sebastin Creed are granted the rank of Jedi Master.
322.06 ABY – Alehk Thol is granted a seat on the Alzoc III Council.
322.11 ABY – Motoko Isawa is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
322.13 ABY – Munro Olar is apprenticed to Azra’elre’nim.
322.21 ABY – Yvonne Metrais is initiated.
322.26 ABY – Kole Un’Haku transfers to Alzoc III Enclave.
322.30 ABY – Arukh Bakh’tor transfers to the Dantooine Enclave.
322.30 ABY – Rislan Estai and Saeri Falynn are granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
323.01 ABY – Kantha Maitri returns to the Jedi Order.
323.26 ABY – Shaok Panek and Jel’a Vra are promoted to Novice Padawan.
323.26 ABY – Kantha Maitri is apprenticed to Sebastin Creed.
323.28 ABY – Shaok Panek is apprenticed to Rui Vuusen.
324.04 ABY – Jel’a Vra is apprenticed to Des Anaro.
324.04 ABY – Kole Un’Haku transfers to the Coruscant Temple; Ametha Tasia transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
324.16 ABY – Khatla Merie is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
324.27 ABY – Kajuun Mujai, Raskta Vuheim, Zander-Bo Umra are initiated.
324.30 ABY – Munro Olar departs the Alzoc III Enclave.
324.30 ABY – Zuri Lyn is apprenticed to Simus Cnydaria.
325.02 ABY – Xel Damar is initiated; Clara Baunes and Nico Keztor are promoted to Novice Padawan; Azra’elre’nim resigns; Amalia Feyn is granted a seat on the Alzoc III Council.
325.03 ABY – Oberon Pentari resigns from the Jedi Order; Ametha Tasia is killed.
325.11 ABY – Aaelym is initiated; Isane Fenris transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave
325.19 ABY – Isane Fenris is apprenticed to Motoko Isawa.
325.20 ABY – Shakk’aven is deployed to the Educational Corps.
325.23 ABY – Zander-Bo Umra, Xel Damar, and Kajuun Mujai are promoted to Novice Learner; Xel Damar is apprenticed to Tergos Zemnos.
325.29 ABY – Kajuun Mujal is apprenticed to Sebastin Creed.
326.01 ABY – Rui Vuusen transfers to the Arkanian Praxeum; Shaok Panek is apprenticed to Sebastin Creed.
326.05 ABY – Coren Ran returns to the Alzoc III Enclave.
326.13 ABY – Zander-Bo Umra is apprenticed to Kieran Orion.
326.17 ABY – Naltak Azthal transfers to the Dantooine Enclave; Silas Vir’n transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
326.31 ABY – Alaki Leed is apprenticed to Simus Cnydaria.
327.01 ABY – Kelisea Sinan resigns from the Jedi Order.
327.07 ABY – Virtuo Alegan is apprenticed to Delmi N’jork.
327.18 ABY – Kieran Orion departs the Alzoc III Enclave.
327.21 ABY – Wen Ordo and Keth Flynn are initiated.
327.22 ABY – Aidan Skyward is initiated.
327.21 ABY – Khatla Merie returns to Alzoc III Enclave.
327.29 ABY – Nico Keztor is apprenticed to Coren Ran.
328.05 ABY – Mirkal is promoted to Novice Padawan; Arven Silaan is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
328.06 ABY – Silas Vir’n is apprenticed to Arven Silaan.
328.07 ABY – Delmi N’jork and Simus Cnydaria are granted the rank of Jedi Master.
328.18 ABY – Saburine Eldahna and Evanin Dawnstar are initiated.
329.03 ABY – Wen Ordo and Keth Flynn are promoted to Novice Padawan; Aslyn Denethorn returns to the Alzoc III Enclave.
329.04 ABY – Wen Ordo is apprenticed to Amalia Feyn.
329.06 ABY – Keth Flynn is apprenticed to Dev Kai.
329.08 ABY – Tergos Zemnos transfers to the Coruscant Temple; Tian Lazik transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave; Zander-Bo Umra is apprenticed to Arven Silaan.
329.14 ABY – Jerex Sol is apprenticed to Coren Ran.
329.19 ABY – Tra’ven departs the Alzoc III Enclave; Bo Iiln transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
329.21 ABY – Clara Baunes departs the Alzoc III Enclave.
329.22 ABY – Kieran Orion returns to the Alzoc III Enclave.
329.31 ABY – Evanin Dawnstar is promoted to Novice Padawan; Evanin Dawnstar is apprenticed to Bo Iiln.
330.04 ABY – Saburine Eldahna is apprenticed to Aslyn Denethorn.
330.13 ABY – Tergos Zemnos returns to the Alzoc III Enclave; Tian Lazik transfers to the Dantooine Enclave; Khatla Merie departs from the Alzoc III Enclave.
330.14 ABY – Xel Damar is apprenticed to Bo Iiln.
330.19 ABY – Isane Fenris is apprenticed to Aslyn Denethorn.
330.24 ABY – Tweek Etimau is initiated; Quetzal Tochtli is initiated.
330.27 ABY – Kyrios Vox is initiated.
330.28 ABY – Wik Maro is initiated.
331.06 ABY – Kiwron Tirladdik departs the Alzoc III Enclave.
331.07 ABY – Wrennin Vae is initiated; Jago Mirax is initated.
331.10 ABY – Xel Damar departs the Alzoc III Enclave; Esth Me’sku departs Alzoc III Enclave; Alaki Leed departs Alzoc III Enclave; Maia Rimora transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave; Silas Vir’n is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Shaok Panek is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.